Thursday, April 5, 2012

Hooked on Doodles

     Since the "I Doodle, You 'Ku" challenge on Yay Words! ended last Saturday, I've been having withdrawal symptoms. What's the doodle (sketch) for today??!!! I have to admit that it was really addictive! I'm blaming Kirsten Cliff for posting this unique challenge on her blog Swimming in Lines of Haiku. :-) I caught the doodle fever! hahahaha  
     Seriously, Aubrie Cox did a fantastic job of coming up with 31 days of doodleku. Each doodle elicited new things for me to write about. Not only that, she successfully managed to attract a small comfortable group of talented poets.
     To extend the fun I had, I decided to post one by one the haiku I've written in response to her daily doodle.
     I Doodle, You 'Ku - 1

yellow blossom
I capture the sun
in a jar

     See doodle here.  


  1. This is beautiful, Christine! I too am having withdrawal symptoms. ;-) It became my habit to check for Aubrie's doodle, write my own haiku, and then watch throughout the day as new ones were posted. So glad you will be reprising yours here on your blog.

  2. Thanks! I hope I can join the again next year. It was refreshing to see how different each person reacts to each doodle. I was always looking forward to your post because I was always inspired by your haiku. :-)

  3. Love this haiku, Chrissi! Very nice!

    Gisele :)

  4. Thanks, Gisele. I didn't expect it to have any effect at all lol.

    1. It's funny sometimes how the ones you least expect are the ones people gravitate to the most.

      Gisele :)
