Saturday, February 2, 2013

2013 National Haiku Writing Month

     This month I'm writing a haiku a day. It's not for a doodle this time (He Doodle, You 'Ku just ended yesterday), but for a prompt on NaHaiWriMo. This is my second time jumping in and I hope to enjoy it as much as last time with all the new and familiar faces. 
     Writing prompts will have a different theme each week. For this week, the theme is food. The February 1 prompt is PASTA. 

cannelloni . . .
the stuff he adds
to his stories

     You can see my haiku here. I hope you join me in posting one haiku a day because this haiku community is so helpful and supportive that you'll never stop visiting the site. Yes, you can continue sharing your haiku for the rest of the year. NaHaiWriMo keeps going on even past February. That's how successful it is! Find out all the details here


  1. The 2nd time for me too! Let's all have fun!

    1. Isn't it amazing how many people are joining now? Looks like this year will be a lot of fun! :-) Thanks for stopping by. :-)

  2. Hi, Lolly. Welcome to my blog and thanks for your comment about my haiku.
    I'm glad you found NaHaiWriMo. Hope to see you there :-)
