Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Cattails - Premier Edition January 2014

      *My very first tanka sequence now appears in Cattails, the first collection of the United Haiku and Tanka Society. If you'd like to be a member of UHTS or would want to submit for the next issue, go to this link

Between the Rubble

huge waves roar
throughout the city . . .
over and over
just my urgent prayers
all through the night

after the storm
between the rubble
and stench of death . . .
I wait to hear a voice
on my cellphone

another coconut tree
uprooted from the ground . . .
my finger shakes
as I scroll down the list
of flood survivors

a midnight call
jolts me from my sleep . . .
am I dreaming
when you say you're alive
yet thirsty and starving?

(Dedicated to the Quisumbing family who were victims of typhoon Haiyan. There's nothing that love cannot rebuild)

*I've just requested to be a member. Here the link to see the membership list.