Monday, April 23, 2012

My Most Beautiful Thing


     My most beautiful thing is the present moment. Without it, I won't be able to enjoy the gift that is unfolding right in front of me, like this sunset, the song of a bird, the coolness of a breeze, the smell of grass after it rains, the colors of a rainbow. Everything changes, but the present moment remains the same, ever flowing with new things for me to be grateful for and appreciative of life.

     This post is in celebration of My Most Beautiful Thing - A Blogsplash. People all over the world are taking part and posting photos about their most beautiful thing, inspired by Fiona Robyn's new novel, My Most Beautiful Thing.

    See all the blogsplashers here and find out what they're posting. I've started reading their post and I've been enjoying them immensely! 


  1. Thanks to both of you! I really love what Robyn inspired us to do. It's so uplifting!

  2. That's beautiful, Christine. So simply yet perfectly put!

  3. The picture and the words complement each other perfectly. I love the thought behind the beautiful words.

  4. The present moment is gorgeous. I only came into learning about the state of mindfulness from Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh about two years ago. Right here, right now is beautiful. Thanks for sharing that picture, too!

  5. A haiku. A beautiful one at that! Lovely verse, and a perfect picture to complement!

    1. You write beautiful haiku, Usha. You should join my on-going haiku contest! :-)

  6. Thanks to Shauna, Shail, Claudine, and Usha. Yes, Claudine.. Right here, right now is beautiful!
    Usha, thanks for the gracious compliment on my haiku. :-)

  7. Replies
    1. Thanks, Fiona! I'm so glad you like it! I'm so happy that I was able to find out about this a few days before so I could join. It's very uplifting reading all the posts. I'm sure everybody appreciates all your efforts in putting up something as wonderful as this project. :-)

  8. Beautiful photo. Beautiful haiku. I like the colors of the sky and the optimistic tone o the poem.

    1. Thanks, Rita, for visiting. Optimism is always a beautiful thing! :-)

  9. Replies
    1. Thanks, Maggie. Why don't you join my haiga contest? Everybody's welcome to join! :-)

  10. I agree... the here and now is a beautiful thing to be cherished.

  11. Thanks for stopping by Laurie. I appreciate the time and effort. Reading all the blogs is exhilarating! :-)

  12. Gorgeous photo and haiga Christine. Thank you for sharing this most beautiful gift of the present moment.

    1. Thanks, Cynthia! I have to check your most beautiful thing, too. I hope Fiona keeps it posted forever so that we can go back and read them over and over if we want to.

  13. Replies
    1. You're so sweet, Alee. Thanks a lot for the support! *hugs*

  14. Bonjour

    Sous l'oeil des pins noirs
    un feu d'artifice -
    le coeur enflammé


  15. Thanks, Yanis! This is a beautiful haiku. I hope this is a good translation of it.


    Under the eye of black pine
    the flaming heart

    Best regards

    Thanks for following my blog! Have a blessed day! :-)

  16. Oh, this is a gorgeous haiga, Christine!! I love the vibrant colors and the matching 'ku. Indeed every present moment in life is "a new sky"! I think you should submit this haiga to a haiga journal. I'm sure it would get accepted!

    And thank you so much for your lovely comment on my haiga for #themostbeautifulthing blogsplash event yesterday. I was saving that photo since last summer and have not shown it to anyone. I wanted to save it for a special event and it just so happened that the blogpsplash came at the right time! :) Thanks so much for enjoying it! I need to do more haiga, but then that would mean, I need to get myself out there and put my camera to use! lol It's hard to find the time though. Maybe I'll do some more snapping over the summer.

  17. Oh, thank you so much, Kathy! I have a story about this haiga, but I'll email it to you because it's something to do with submitting it elsewhere ;-)

    You surely saved it for the perfect time! I would love to take more photos, but I'm not up to it yet. I'll tell you the details when I email you. Looks like you already have some great plans for summer. Don't forget, you're going to sleep a lot lol
    I agree. You should find time to take some photos during the summer. For me, taking photos is exhilarating. It will do wonders for you, too!

  18. Katrina Lim QuisumbingApril 26, 2012 at 4:34 PM

    Beautiful haiga and caption Chrissi. :D It reminded me of my favorite quote: “Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift, that’s why we call it the Present.”

  19. You're absolutely right, Kaye! This quote is also perfect for this photo. :-) Thanks for stopping by and appreciating my post.

  20. Gorgeous.What a beautiful present moment it was when you took the photo. And another when you wrote the haiga...and so many more to come. Each moment, that tree and the sky above it; another beautiful thing.

  21. "So many more to come." I love this phrase that you wrote. It makes me positively expect for more beautiful things to come.

    Thanks, Chris, for appreciating! I'll be checking your blog soon.

  22. Beautiful photo indeed, and wonderful words!

  23. Thanks, Rosemary. I really loved your story. It still makes me want to cry.
